Tag Archives: Quilts

Another Quilt Leaves the Nest

It’s that time, again. Once more a quilt has emerged from the workshop and it is time for it to find its home. This weekend I went to celebrate a birthday with a dear friend. This visit ad two missions. One mission was to celebrate one more year that Mable and I have been blessed to be apart of each others life. The second mission was to deliver a quilt made as an auction item for Suburban Sugar Land Women.
I met Mable over 20 years ago. I was a stay at home mom withe three kids under 6. I was looking for some adult playmates or at least adult conversation. While reading the local community paper, I happened upon an article about an African-American community organization that funded college scholarships and performed community service. This chance viewing led me to the amazing Mable and her equally magnificent hubby, Mose Austin.
When I joined SSLW all those years ago, I was searching for my purpose. I found service to be intoxicating. Hard work and time well spent produced life changing results. Black history programs were produced, scholarships were funded, community projects were implemented, and along the way I found myself.
After moving away, sent off in style by my sisters at SSLW, I returned years later to Texas. But, by this time, I was clear about my role in life. I went back to college (again) and became a teacher. I knew how powerful the role would be, and I was well acquainted with the rigors of service.
So while Mable thanks me every year for the quilt I make for SSLW. it is really I who give thanks to her and her vision.
Thank you , Mable for clearing my path and Happy Birthday.

