Bottle Cap magnets

Bottle cap madness struck the workshop this past holiday season.  All it took was a:

  • few bottle caps
  • some cute stickers
  • some fabulous glue
  • clear lacquer



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I love J.B Weld for attaching metal elements together.  You can find it at most hardware stores.  You have to mix both substances in equal proportions to create the metal glue.

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Spread the metal glue on the back of the magnet you are using.



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Select some great stickers or photos .  Cut them to shape and insert into your bottle caps.

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Apply a layer of lacquer medium to the inside of the bottle cap (see the attached You tube video for technique).  Carefully lower bottle cap onto metal glue and magnet.


Monitor caps for bubbles.  You may use a straight pin to pop tiny bubbles that may appear.  Leave caps and magnets  to set overnight.

Crackle  lacquer medium can also be used for a fun effect.
