Category Archives: teacher tools

The Student Relocation Book

As teachers we become attached to our students and if you are like me your classroom becomes a micro-family. Unfortunately, sometimes students have to move away. While many moves are planned and we have time to say goodbye, some are quick and heartbreaking. I created the student relocation kit to help ease the transition of departure. This kit gives a departing  student a way to keep in touch and be acknowledged. It also allows for the class to say goodbye and realize that the power of continuing relationships is in their hands.



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Materials needed:

1-Assorted pieces of scrapbook paper 12″ x 12″ & 8-1/2″ x 11″ (optional)

2-Document downloads



5-Ribbon (optional)

6-Paper CD covers

7-Breyer (optional)

8-Poster Board*

* The thinner poster board found at the dollar stores works the best!




2013-09-02 07.17.31


First, construct a puffer book from one sheet of poster board.


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2013-09-02 07.05.40


For video instruction and downloadable pages
Please follow the link .

Thank you!
